Friday, August 17, 2012

The Night Watchman-Acrylic on a moose antler

Where has the summer gone,I had planned to have this done three weeks ago.
It seems like the time has just been flying by.I quess I have been having too much fun camping,quadding and playing with clay.No complaints on my end!!!
Thanks for stopping by


TexWisGirl said...

really beautiful. love the intense stare!

Dagmar said...
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Dagmar said...

Just another fabulous painting on one of the antler sheds..what a talent you are sister of mine! Glad you have been having so much fun..that is what summer should be❤

August 17, 2012 5:03 PM

Nelvia said...

Ok got to ask, what is quad ding, does this mean I really am a city kid?
As usual a lovely and fitting piece for your support. I would be paralyzed with fear to paint on it for fear I could't pull it off, yet you do so beautifully